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Posted -  27/12/2011  :  22:42
Keighley MRC - Open Day
  • The Clubrooms, Knowle Mills, South Street, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD21 1SY
    OPENING TIMES:  WEDS 10am - 5pm
    Club Christmas open day. Come and escape the Xmas pud and bring your presents to run on a layout or our multiscale test track. It has most scales & Guages from 2mm fine to 45mm, most with both DC and DCC controllers available
    Just short of 20 miles from Barnoldswick ,so a bit of a drive , come down as I have been granted a bit of sales space with railway/transport books and maybe a few unique or cheap hornby railways models.

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    Local Historian & Old Fart

    36804 Posts
    Posted - 28/12/2011 : 05:35
    Lovely! I wish the event well. I think of Newton and Johnny riding round on their 5" live steam locos.

    Stanley Challenger Graham

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    122 Posts
    Posted - 28/12/2011 : 21:38
    Not seen them 5" ones ,  this group is indoors with more club layouts than you would see at many a local model railway show , they are in build rather than being fully complete , but very competant. I picked up a few bits of the clubs sales stand for parts for some of my OO locos , so will be busy over rest of new year when I can find my spares box. Local scout group did the refreshments ( correction all the mums and big sisters of a Keighley scout group did the refreshments).  Quite a few family groups paid as vistiors , combining the day out with a trip on the K&WVR.  Somehow I think should Skipton Colne rail link be reinstated the branch to Barnoldswick should be considered as a tourist attraction ( though with K&WV and Embsay nearby it might be a bit of overkill).

    Next  Events are Sat /Sun March 24/25 37th Annual Exhibition - Victoria Hall , Keighley.;

    Sun May 13th Open day , clubrooms as first post location , Open Weekend at Clubrooms Sat/Sun July7/8 as part of Keighley Festival, 7mm (O guage, OO9 , etc ) Festival at the Clubrooms Oct 14 2012 and finishing with Christmas Open Day like this year but on SUNDAY Dec 30, 2012.  Event Sponsers include W.T Supplies Ltd , Keighley.



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    Local Historian & Old Fart

    36804 Posts
    Posted - 29/12/2011 : 05:45
    I think the big track venue for the larger gauges in those days was at Greengates(?) near Bradford. Local builders took their locos there to try them out passenger hauling. I'll find a pic....

    Stanley Challenger Graham

    Barlick View
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    Local Historian & Old Fart

    36804 Posts
    Posted - 29/12/2011 : 05:54

    Johhny Pickles' Dyak Queen running at Bradford. Newton is driving, Johnny watching and Walt fisher providing ballast together with a young helper, don't know who he is but someone might recognise him. Note the multi-gauge track, I think they went up to 7" gauge, big lumps!

    The thing that always strikes me about this is that these were professional engineers whose work was also their hobby.

    Stanley Challenger Graham

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    5150 Posts
    Posted - 29/12/2011 : 09:52
    I see to remember a relatively large gauge model railway on the bank of the river at Eddisford Bridge many years ago. Is it still there? When I was a child we used to go to that spot very often and I have fond memories of it, paddling in welly boots, getting them full of water and tiddlers.

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    Posted - 29/12/2011 : 20:39
    Flat tracks of various sizes also down at Thorne Park , nr Doncaster and in a park in Rotherham which I never found , one of the family's freinds runs a small loco normally on the elevated track in a Park nr Oxford , I sometime visit another flat and elevated mixed tracks in Guildford and on club land in Surbiton ( ). Once did a welding course at college , couple of chaps using the college facilities to build 3.5 in guage loco , making copper bolier and fitting tubes for the whole of the first 12 weeks (2hr /wk)

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