l haven’t written for some time as I had hoped to be able to give you news of what was going on with my back. In fact I had hoped to write and say all was done but it was not to be. I heard on Friday that the operation is now likely to be October and I only found that out by asking my GP to find out. The patient enquiry line always had an answer machine which said ’Leave a message and we will get back to you’. But they never did! Obviously the NHS does not count to 11 (as in 11 weeks) the same as every body else. I have no idea why it is being delayed a month but that is the National health Service for you. I am not in much pain but cannot walk far much to my frustration. Any way it is allows us to have one if not two more visits to France. I am more annoyed that I wasn't informed than anything else Last Thursday we went to a funeral , down in Birmingham. Bob's Uncle had died after a period of illhealth and Alzheimers. He was the last of Bob's mothers generation and siblings. It was quite a small family gathering but allowed both Julia, Claire and Myself to meet family relatives of bob's that we either had never met or only met at family weddings some 35 -40 years ago. Uncle Arthur, himself had never married but had always loved his nieces, and great nieces. The girls had fond memories of him. He leaves behind a house that he had lived in since he was 12 in 1932, and a treasure trove of family memorabilia as he never threw anything away. The genealogists in us can't wait to see what turns up.
Talking of genealogy I have been genealogically active over the last couple of weeks. Someone ( Paul Needham )
contacted me from Lincoln about my Mum’s side of the family. We made a connection as they say, and apart from one link we have taken the family back in Lincolnshire to 1610. We have a Samuel Needham born 1777-1780 that we need to confirm exactly who he was. Paul and I had both worked out the same information , but now Paul’s HOMEWORK is to search the Lincoln archives to see if there are any other Samuel Needhams fit the bill, other than the one we have found. Next weekend we are at both a wedding in Nottingham ( daughter of a close friend) and my sister-in-laws 60th birthday in Cardiff . I suppose there will be a few more such birthday celebrations over the next couple of years. Bob is 60 in February! As I said , the wedding is in Nottingham a place we are not familiar with although I was born there and lived there for the first three years of my life. We are travelling down a day early and hope to visit where I was born and the houses that I lived in . Dad has remembered the addresses and I have very distant memories of these houses. It will be fun to see how correct my memory is! Dad is fine if a little grumpy at times. He does have a lot to be grumpy about. He is going deaf, losing his co-ordination and ability to get his thoughts into words. He is also developing cataracts. His carers change constantly and both he and I find this very annoying. he sometimes gets extremely angry and worked up over the slightest thing. However I do understand that life must be very frustrating for him. On our visit today he was his more usual cheerful self , which was nice to see. Well we had our French tutor on saturday. he worked us very hard indeed. He actually brought his french girlfriend with him so it was a real opportuntiy to practice our French. After a couple of hours we were quite worn out. Summer continues to be cool here and a little damp, mainly at night, but when the rain comes down it really lashes straight down. The hostas, astilbes and waterlilies and arum lilies look superb in the garden and pond. Last week was glorious and Bob and I decided to spend some 'chill out' time in the garden. I even read a book in two days which is most unusual. THE COASTLINERS by Joanne Harris is well worth the read, especially if you are a bit of a francophile I have been pottering with my painting and been to a couple of Art classes, mainly oils which I love. Bob is out this afternoon so I am just doing a few emails, finishing the washing, and then I thought I would do a little knitting. A hobby I come back to every now and again. I just love unusual knitwear and i have found this lovely pattern for a summer cardigan. It will probably take me until next summer to make it!!! It sounds like the washer has finished its cycle so must be off. More news in a week or so